

🧛 Vampire Survivors Adds 20 new ‘spells’ and a nifty Steam Deck feature... ♰ @poncle_vampire #IndieGames #GameDev

Creeping ever closer to v1.0 like a true creature of the night, Vampire Survivors has released patch 0.10.109

This update added a host of new cheat codes spells that can be used to unlock Arcanas (see below for the full list and a new trick to unlocking the secret menu), as well as an on-screen keyboard option in the Secrets menu so Steam Deck and Gamepad users can type them out.


🧛List of new “spells” (aka cheats!) added in 0.10.109📖

The “spells” menu can be unlocked temporarily by clicking the Yellow Sign entry in the Collection 7 times, and permanently after finding the Forbidden Scrolls.


- everything: All weapons are unlocked for Level Up options.

- everywhere: All five main stages and Hyper mode unlocked.


- ilmatto : Game Killer

- ilbagatto : I - Gemini

- lapapessa : II - Twilight Requiem

- limperatrice : III - Tragic Princess

- limperatore : IV - Awake

- ilpapa : V - Chaos in the Dark Night

- ilcarro : VII - Iron Blue Will

- laforza : VIII - Mad Groove

- laruota : X - Beginning

- lagiustizia : XI - Waltz of Pearls

- lappeso : XII - Out of Bounds

- lamorte : XIII - Wicked Season

- latemperanza : XIV - Jail of Crystal

- ildiavolo : XV - Disco of Gold

- latorre : XVI - Slash

- lastella : XVII - Lost & Found Painting

- laluna : XVIII - Boogaloo of Illusions

- ilsole : XIX - Heart of Fire

- ilgiudizio : XX - Silent Old Sanctuary


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