

Britt’s Video Game Vinyl Fantasies #5 "Trouser Removal Music" πŸ’Ώ #Vinyl #VideoGameVinyl #VGM

Lifestream (Retro Game Remix / Erek Ladd) -Troggo Studio

This was the first release that we covered from Troggo Studio, a prog-rock take on classic Final Fantasy VII songs, the crispness of the production, combined with the nods and references in the artwork and top-notch musicianship meant that this made a huge impact on me when I covered it several months back. I really feel that there’s something in this for everyone, as it completely pulls me in each time I listen, honestly though – if you had told me that Steven Wilson himself had produced this, I would have completely believed it. Hopefully, we’ll be hearing a lot more of Erek Ladd’s work through Troggo -a label that will certainly be cropping up again in Video Game Vinyl fantasies 6!

Trouser Remover: Under the Rotting Pizza

Contigo en la Distancia (Mariachi Entertainment System) – Troggo Studio

Another tasty release from Troggo Studio, the hazy, evocative artwork and liner notes tell the story of the band overcoming lockdowns and the associated loneliness to become a cohesive whole and create this celebratory release. It has a much more live feel than the meticulously mastered Lifestream, but the slight ramshackleness and heavy sense of camaraderie really help this organic record to shine. A celebration of positivity and friendship during a time when creativity could easily have been stifled or muted. This is a real mood-lifter, and the song choices all work, adding variety to the track listing. I am very much looking forward to more mariachi action! (review link)

Trouser Remover: Marble Zone: Sonic the Hedgehog (although Sayonara Wild Heart is close)

Desperados III (Filippo Beck Peccoz) – Black Screen Records

A few weeks before I covered this for GF, I was lamenting the lack of guitar-driven albums I’d come across recently. No sooner had the words left my mouth, Desperados III came hurtling over the hill on horseback. A wonderfully dusty record the colour of gunshot blood that also brings in modern sensibilities to weave variety throughout, each instrumental track brings its own mood and style, adding to a cohesive whole. This absolutely sated the guitarist in me, with emotive fretwork across a variety of stringed instruments making me real for another shot of gut-rot whisky.

Trouser Remover: Until Death do us Part

YS VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana – Wayo Records

Easily one of the most impressive releases I’ve covered, the artwork alone is achingly beautiful and grand, before you even hear a single note of that epic soundtrack. With a thick booklet covering characters and locations from the game – I adore the Wayo records booklets – and a triple-vinyl set to tuck into, the 54 tracks here cover an astonishing amount of ground, whilst always feeling energising and positive. A must-have for any fans of the YS games, before listening to this one, settle down with a fruity cocktail, you can almost hear the waves on the beach.

Trouser Remover: Invisible Exit

HAVEN (Danger) – G4F Records

Being a huge fan of Road ’96, the previous released from G4F records, Haven had some pretty big boots to fill – but fill them, they did. An album that truly feels like getting swept along on a journey, Haven’s rollicking electronica, sense of funkiness and what feels like being danced through each decade of electronic music, Haven melds genres and keeps a smile on your face – a feel-good hit for the summer.

Trouser Remover: Appledew Stew (LP Edit)

Matt Gray: Reformation – 6581 Records

Having covered Matt Gray’s Last Ninja 2 vinyl the previous year – and being blown away by it – meant that I was keen to write about Reformation, the first in a long-standing project whereby Matt weaves his magic across beloved C64 and Amiga tracks, modernising them with his production knowledge and quite frankly, making them genuine bangers (a term I rarely use, but it completely suits Reformation down to the ground). This record doesn’t stop rocking and takes you on a surprisingly emotive journey as you listen. As far as we are concerned here at GF, Matt Gray is an actual, real wizard.

Trouser Remover: Driller Main Theme

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