

Abandonware: The Horror Collection PC Preview 😱 @Fossil_Games #IndieGame #GameDev

Fossil Games’ Abandonware is a collection of retro-styled mini-horror games that pack a great horror punch. The story that connects this collection is quite captivating. 

The development team found an old 3.5-inch internal hard drive, and after cleaning up the hard drive, they found a custom operating system and this collection of mini horror games. After investigating, the team grew concerned and, with the police bringing no help, they released it to the public to see if we could uncover the secrets of the mysterious hard drive. 

This is a promising set-up that hooks you in straight away. When you first load up the game there are two games to play, ‘Red.bat’ and ‘Gnome.bat’. Red.bat is a stalker game based on the tale of Little Red Riding Hood, where you are tasked to find objects whilst the big bad wolf is hunting you. Gnome.bat - or ‘Mr Gnome Goes Skating’ is a simple yet devious game wherein you move up and down a map whilst trying to avoid colliding with any walls. Your goal is to guide Mr. Gnome to an animal so that they can be rescued.

These games sound simple, but all is not what it seems as they each hold both tricks and secrets...

For the price there is a lot to enjoy about Abandonware, it packs a surprising amount of scares - the sound design alone induced a number of frights, just by itself - the premise is strong, and as you uncover more - the intrigue really grows.

This is in early access at present, but it shows a lot of promise, I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Abandonware and will definitely be keeping my eyes on this project.

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