

Rich's Top 10 Video Games Podcasts in 2024 🎮🎙️🕹️ #PodCasts

I plough many hours per week into listening to video games podcasts as I love to keep up to date on the latest video games news and views. The first video games podcast that I discovered a while back now was the Giant Bomb Bombcast in 2015 which I used to listen to on the commute into work and on the way back home as it was a healthy 2.5 hours listen. Despite various changes to personnel that is still my beacon in the light of podcasts but over the years I have discovered an array of supporting video games podcasts that I love to listen to on a weekly basis which means that I have something cool to listen to whilst doing boring work (it really does take your mind of menial tasks)

5 years ago I did a Top 5 Video Games Podcasts article that is a snapshot in time (2018) of what I was listening to at the time but since then I have expanded my listening habits to a Top 10 of Video Games Podcasts, so lets take a look at what Pods invade my ears each week...
Rich's Top 10 Video Games Podcasts in 2024
The Bombcast lives on and despite losing most of the core personalities since I began listening, the 'new' line-up is still as entertaining as it ever was with the likes of Jeff Grubb, Dan RyckertJan Ochoa and Jeff Bakalar providing fun and critique twice a week every week (GB has it's Friday PodCast called Revengeance which is well worth tuning into)
Three of the Giant Bomb breakaways formed Nextlander (Vinny Caravella, Brad Shoemaker and Alex Navarro) and this is a wonderful weekly video games chat between 3 friends who have decades of experience in the video game industry. I love there weekly friendly discussions as they are all really nice blokes and I really enjoy their takes on all things video games. I also enjoy tuning into the Nextlander Watchcast where the lads watch a film and then come together to chat about it which is very entertaining.
NoClip make really cool Video Games Documentaries that you simply have to watch! The gang also do a weekly podcast show that you simply have to listen to. It's a chilled out chat between 3 (sometimes 4) really cool people who you'd love to hang out with for a while whilst playing video games and chatting video games whilst eating pizza. Danny O'Dwyer leads the crew and is a tour de force in the world of video games. Jeremy Jayne has the coolest voice on the internet and I love to listen to his solo dev stories and the cool games he plays. Frank Howley is someone who exudes enthusiasm at every opportunity and listening to his love of Japan is always a treat.
I was an avid listener to the Waypoint podcast when the Remap crew were over at Vice.Com. When Vice went really wonky the guys decided to form a breakaway website and podcast and off they went to create Remap and bring over all of the Waypoint subscribers too! This is the thinking man's podcast for Video Games and it's a treat to get lost in the discussions between Patrick Klepek, Rob Zacny and Ricardo Contreras. This 2 hours is always a delight to my video game loving ears.
A podcast with three very intelligent hosts who discuss a new video games topic each week and lend their own opinions to the topic in hand. I also love the bit at the end called "One Last Thing" which is where I get a lot of video game recommendations and book/film recommendations as their tastes seem to align to mine more often than not. Hosted by Jason Schreier, Maddy Myers and Kirk Hamilton. A nice tight hour of cool conversations.

6. VGC - (Video Games Chronicle, The Video Game Podcast)
Rich's Top 10 Video Games Podcasts in 2024
These guys LOVE video game news and Jordan Middler steers the VGC podcast ship effortlessly every week with help from a rotating cast. This pod is always fun and fresh and Jordan's style is magnetic as he rips the piss out of his co hosts or just talks Pokemon and energy drinks. Tune in each Friday and you wont be disappointed!

Chris O'Regan hosts this great podcast as an interview based show and focuses on Indie Game Devs each week. The first half of the podcast focuses on the Game Dev and their influences and then the second half covers off the game that the dev is on the show to promote. It's a great podcast expertly hosted by Chris who is clearly passionate about Indie Gaming and the hidden gems that you may not be aware of!
David Barr Kirtley has one of the most distinctive voices and I could listen to him talk forever. He hosts the Geeks Guide To The Galaxy Podcast show and whilst it may not be purely a Video Games Podcast, it does stray into video games on a regular basis. I just love to tune in and geek out on Sci Fi, Video Games, Books, Films and TV Shows and I'm 100% sure you will too!
The OG Video Games guru Jeff Gerstmann is one of the most respected Video Games Journalists to walk the planet and after he walked away from the legendary Giant Bomb he went on to start his own PodCast and hosts a one man show every Tuesday that is a fantastic way to spend 3 hours and absorb all of Jeff's takes on everything from energy drinks to 50 Cent Blood On The Sand. Plug into Jeff and let him take you to Video Games heaven (&hell)
A life well wasted is a different type of podcast from everything else in this list. It's an eclectic assortment of highly produced episodes which covers various Video Games related stories from around the world. It had a short run time but produced some of the coolest video games content that I have ever listened to. Robert Ashley is a genius and I hope one day there will be another episode to listen to... (listen to see what I mean)

**BONUS** Games Freezer Podcast
Rich's Top 10 Video Games Podcasts in 2024
After 10 years of the Games Freezer website Britt and I decided it would be a good idea to start thye Games Freezer podcast which would be an opportunity to discuss the website and also talk about ourselves a bit too as we'd never worked on something as a collaboration before as we have always written reviews and produced content for Games Freezer individually and away from each other. We liked the first two episodes so much that we have decided to start a monthly podcast where we talk about what we have been playing and what releases are coming up that interest us, along with what other things aside from video games we've been reding, watching etc. Head over to YouTube to subscribe to our podcast feed and listen into our monthly ramblings.

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