2 Jan 2023
GOTY 2022 - Rich "The year Of The Ring" AKA "100+ Hours In and I'm Still Sh*t!" 💍 #GOTY
20 Dec 2022
Britt Removes His Trousers & Brings Down The Flaming Gavel On 2022 🏆 #GOTY
As we approach the end of another year, rich with the fruits of developer labours, I sat in my zen garden and thought about which games from 2022 still have a strong presence in my mind - for whatever reason – and the below made themselves known to me.
Presented in no particular order, my most memorable experiences of 2022 are…
19 Dec 2022
The 6 Best Games That I’ve played in 2022 By Transvaal 🏆 #GOTY
#6 Primordia
Starting off with a game that I still think about often, I really found the world of Primordia an interesting one, a world of machinery with only the remnants of human life, the world is decaying and has very little life left in it. The story is a very simple one, with protagonist Horatio trying to get his stolen power core back, it’s a story that does spiral outwards, and has some very interesting twists and turns. The one criticism I’ve seen a levelled at Primordia is the character Crispin being irritating for some, but I personally found his back-and-forth with Horatio one of the best bits in the game.
18 Dec 2022
2022 in review or The Toilet at the End of the World by Dr Congo Fighting 📆 #GOTY
I have been offered a "loving nudge" to write something about my favourite games of this year. I don't know what that is, but I'm keen to find out.
So here it is - my favourite video game "stuff" of the last year.