Showing posts with label 8/10. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 8/10. Show all posts


Sonic Origins Plus XSX Review 8/10 "12 Game Gear Titles Join this Awesome Sonic Collection!" πŸ’¨ @sonic_hedgehog

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The Sonic Origins collection was originally released in June 2022 on what was the blue Blurs’ 31st anniversary. Already a solid collection that featured HD remasters of:

  • Sonic the Hedgehog (1991)
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (1992)
  • Sonic CD (1993)
  • Sonic the Hedgehog & Knuckles (1994)


SILT PC Review 8/10 "An introduction to puzzle games with a striking, eerie twist..." Review By Adelle 🀿 @adelinatalina @GamesCircus #GameDev #IndieGames

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If you’re anything like me, you may tend to struggle solving puzzle games. On the other hand, maybe you’re just an exploration lover and you’re on the hunt for a mini atmospheric adventure game to play in your spare time.

If any of these apply to you, Silt might be the perfect candidate to add to your collection. 


Sephonie (Console release) Nintendo Switch Review 8/10 "Analgesic Release 3D Platformer ‘Sephonie’ on Consoles" πŸƒ‍♀️ @han_tani #GameDev #IndieGames

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My esteemed colleague Pixel Hunted covered Sephonie upon its PC release last year and quite frankly, I’ve been furiously jealous of him ever since. I’ve recently had the pleasure of playing the newly released console version on Switch, in hands trembling with excitement…and possibly unbridled passion.

The developers’ previous game – Anodyne 2 – was my game of the year in 2021 and I’ve been waiting to get my hands on Sephonie since it was first announced, I admittedly had high expectations, knowing what gold the devs were capable of.


Dredge PS5 Review 8/10 "a wonderful, cosy fishing game with a slightly Lovecraftian horror twist" 🎣 @BlackSaltGames #IndieGames #GameDev

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When it comes to games wherein you collect and sell things repetitively, I tend to only play them occasionally, but after seeing the trailer for Dredge, you could say I was ‘game’ to give it a go.

Dredge starts with your character - a fisherman, nonetheless - making his way through a foggy sea before he inevitably has a shipwreck. Waking up on a deck on a small fishing island called Greater Meadows...his journey begins.


Ray’z Arcade Chronology Review 8/10 ☄️πŸš€ @PixelHunted

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If I could wave a magic wand and grant myself video game skills I’d become a shmup expert. The first game I can ever remember playing is Hybris on the Amiga in 1988. I was sat on a cushion in the big computer chair, struggling to weave my spaceship between enemy bullets and take out the boss.

35 years later (...ugh) and, despite my best intentions, I haven’t substantially improved. I’ve often returned to dip my toe into the genre, figuring that critically acclaimed darlings like

Radiant Silvergun, Ikaruga, or Gradius V would finally give me the motivation to get gud.

I never did, but even though I’m crap at them I maintain an admiration for their purity, the focus they require to master, the complex interlocking systems and, perhaps most of all, for the gaming wizards that can one credit clear these bad boys.

Enter the Ray’z Arcade Chronology, which consists of best-in-class remastering studio M2’s ports of three classic Taito shmups, 1994’sRayForce, 1996’s RayStorm and 1998’s RayCrisis.


Donuts ‘N’ Justice Nintendo Switch Review 8/10 "NARC NARC NARCin’ On A Miami Door" 🍩 @FobTi #GameDev #IndieGames

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A few days ago, I had a rare spare evening on my hands and thought I would dip into a few of the Switch games that we at GF HQ have been sent, and just haven’t had time to get to, games that have been undeservedly kicked around for far too long in our ‘pending’ bucket.

Luckily, the codes still worked and so began my adventure into the Switch indie vortex, and thus it was a bloody fantastic evening.

The first game I dived into was Donuts ‘N’ Justice, a game that has always tickled my fancy – and, as I was very much in the mindset for some pacey arcade action, it was just the ticket.

A 2D run-and-gun game with pixel visuals and a thumping soundtrack, the way I would describe this one in a single sentence is, ‘NARC, if it was snappier, groovier, and better.’

Developer FobTi also made Gunman Tales, which I covered earlier in the year –  and whilst I didn’t get quite the same punch from Donuts ‘N’ Justice, this is still a very fun game to dip in ‘n out of – especially with a friend.


Fishing Vacation Review Nintendo Switch 8/10 "Some More Bite-sized horror has reeled me in!" 🎣πŸͺ± @TeebowahGames #IndieGames #GameDev

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After recently covering a couple of Puppet Combo games and assorted other budget horror titles, my horror trousers were very much still firmly attached to my legs. As I was pottering around through our list of games for coverage, Fishing Vacation stood out – an atmospheric horror with Game Boy visuals? Count me in.

A game that can be completed in under an hour – although it has multiple endings – Fishing Vacation begins with two old friends who haven’t seen each other for years driving up to a rural cabin on a fishing trip. When they arrive, the uncle that owns the cabin is nowhere to be found and everything is in disarray...oh, and the fridge is full of rotting fish-heads…


Homebody | Xbox Series X | Review | 8/10 | “With Death Comes Knowledge” πŸ”ͺ @HomebodyGame @Rogue_Co @GameGrumps #IndieGames #GameDev

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Homebody is the newest game from the YouTube channel Game Grumps and Rogue Entertainment, the game is a psychological horror with fixed camera angles, retro graphics and a love for some good old-fashioned puzzle solving.


Propagation: Paradise Hotel VR Review 8/10 "Zombies! Hotels! Horror!" 🧟 @PropagationVR #IndieGames #GameDev

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Steak and chips. Cannon and Ball. Coffee and cream. Zombies and VR. Some things are just destined to go together. Yes, there are roughly 5 gazillion VR zombie games. Yes, some of them are rubbish. No, this isn’t one of them.


Puzzle Bobble Everybubble! Switch Review 8/10 "Bubble Burstin’ Boisterousness" 🫧 @ININ_Games 🫧

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There’s a purity to the Puzzle Bobble games that has always drawn me, a merciless blend of colourful, simple gameplay and snappy action that has entranced me since pounding hours into it on Vs mode on the PS1, back in my days as a teenager.

This new version does a fantastic job of plate-spinning the solid-as-a-rock original mechanics whilst also adding various bells and whistles through extra Modesto giving a neat amount of variety to the usual bubble-popping proceedings.


Dungeon Drafters PC Review 8/10 "Big Deck Energy" πŸ“• @DungeonDrafters #IndieGames #GameDev

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A mage, cloaked in a purple, erm, cloak, pushes the heavy stone door open and peers inside the crypt beyond. The brawler, muscles glistening in the barely visible torchlight, stands behind his companion, ready to step forth into the unknown. The block of granite slides open and the duo step into the cobweb-bedecked room ahead. Before they draw breath they are set upon by hellish creatures - two gelatinous blobs, a giant beetle and a mighty winged dragon! 

The mage flashes a knowing, smug glance at her warrior friend and smiles fiendishly at the beasts before her. They know not of what is to happen next, as she reaches under her cloak and brings her hands back out in front of her, brandishing… a pair of playing cards. The beasts attack and devour the two heroes, as their small pieces of cardboard offer no protection at all, though possibly do provide some added fibre to the meal they become.

That’s how this story SHOULD go. But no. Fortunately, in Dungeon Drafters your cards are magic. Phew. And there are a lot of cards. But let’s rewind a little, shall we?


No One Lives Under the Lighthouse XSX Review 8/10 "More Bite-Sized Horror Gold" πŸ—Ό @marevocollectiv #IndieGames #GameDev

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I am a big fan of bite-sized titles that can be enjoyed in a single evening – horror titles especially, as Boomfire’s recent The Creepy Syndrome reminded me.

No One Lives Under the Lighthouse is a game with some serious character in its presentation that drew me in on multiple levels from the visual style through to the subtle gameplay mechanics, narrative, and incredible sound design – with the only slight hiccup for me being the final sequence of events.

The game – a first-person adventure - opens with your character being dropped off at a remote island, with the titular lighthouse looming large. The boatman makes cryptic comments about the previous lighthouse keeper before rowing back off into the darkness, leaving you alone on the island….or are you?


Zool Redimensioned PS4 Review 8/10 "A Celebration of a Very Nineties Game" 🍬🍭 @WeAreSecretMode #IndieGames #GameDev

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You must feel sorry for Zool, the Ninja from the Nth Dimension. He's fast, he's nimble, he's the star of his own 2D side-scroller... but he got introduced to the world right between the releases of Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Poor guy never stood a chance.

Despite not becoming a mascot for the entire industry and inspiring two Jim Carrey vehicles, Zool maintains a place in my heart and some small cult status among fans who didn't grow up with a Nintendo or Sega console. He wasn't Mario or Sonic, but he was ours.

Thirty years after his first title, Sumo Digital Academy (an internship based in Sheffield) has built a remarkably faithful remake, essentially presenting the game as it was with some welcome tweaks to the gameplay, a surprising number of visual options and some fun modes to give this very old, very short game a new lease of life.


Varney Lake XSX Review 8/10 "More Interactive Pulp Fiction From The Best In The Biz" πŸ“‘ @lcbgamestudio @ChorusWorldwide #IndieGames #GameDev

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The second in the Pixel Pulp series from Argentinian developer LCB Game Studio (following Mothmen 1966), Varney Lake moves away from cryptids and towards classic vampirism. However, there are links throughout that connect the stories in an over-arching narrative.

Before I even go into the narrative, I have to commend the team for the astonishingly evocative introduction sequence, a wonderfully set up image of the story as if presented in a real magazine, complete with a schlocky cover, a missing poster of a child and a smoking match-head as beautifully melancholic music plays over the title screen (all too briefly!). I was instantly hips deep, it’s such an entrancing combination of visuals and audio.


WWE2K23 Xbox Series X Review 8/10 “No Steps Back” 🀼‍♂️ @transvaalgf #WWE

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When reviewing the previous entry in the series - WWE2K22 - I mentioned that recent WWE games have a habit of going one step forward but two steps back. Well, finally for the first time in years, that statement does not apply to this entry. After having good building blocks from last year’s version, they didn’t remove a mode or change things drastically for no reason, they simply worked on and improved what they had already built last year.

The gameplay is largely the same, which is a good thing, as there has been a long-running joke between my brother and me in that the first thing he would ask me about the new WWE game would be, “Have they changed the control scheme again?”, so it was nice this year to say “no, it’s the same as last year, they haven’t moved counter to RB… no, its X this year… no, wait! You wiggle the thumb stick!”.


Saga of Sins Nintendo Switch Review 8/10 "A Story in Stained Glass" πŸ’€ @BonusLevelEnter #IndieGame #GameDev

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I covered Bonus Level Entertainment’s first release, Fox ‘n Forests back in 2018, it was a SNES-tastic throwback to the style of mascot-driven platformer that was pretty rife on the 16-bit machines by the mid-’90s, although FNF would have clearly been a celebrated title should it have been released on Nintendo’s flagship console at the time, and indeed – it still stood out in 2018 as a great release that harked back to that golden era for 2D platform action.

It wasn’t until after I’d played Saga of Sins for a few hours that it dawned on me that I’d played a game by the developer before and it was interesting to compare the style of the two releases, especially visually!


Burnhouse Lane PC Review 8/10 "Super Gory Purgatory" πŸ”Ž @harvestergames #IndieGame #GameDev

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There aren’t many games that have allowed me to play as a chain-smoking woman, a cat and a living mannequin, but then there are lots of ways in which Burnhouse Lane is unusual.

At its core, this experience (I hesitate to call it a game) is a puzzle action horror, with the visual style of a graphic novel. It’s hauntingly beautiful, with even the mundane settings (including a farmhouse and a kebab shop) being painted in sepia tones or pastel reds to give them an otherworldly effect.


Go! Go! Pogogirl! XSX Review 8/10 "A Pixel Perfect Pogo Platforming Party" 🀾‍♂️ @ohsat_games #IndieGame #GameDev

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There’s something really timeless about a well-done platform game with pixel visuals. A purity to the gameplay that makes everyone feel they can pick up and play, and Go! Go! Pogogirl! Is a shining example of just this.

Your character is a forever-bouncing girl on a pogo stick who must bounce her way through twenty levels – with each group of five representing one of the four seasons. 


Fashion Police Squad PC Review 8/10 "Chalk Fashion Police Squad Up As a Very Nice Surprise" πŸ’ƒ @nomorerobotshq #IndieGame #GameDev

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We’re now three decades on from Doom and iD Software’s cast iron classic has still got it where it counts.

Its blistering speed, streamlined design, badass occult aesthetics, and iconic collection of monsters endures, and many a gamer who wasn’t even a twinkle in their parent’s eyes in 1993 has realized it’s still a supremely fun experience.

The past few years have seen a renaissance in throwback first-person-shooters attempting to recapture that retro magic, with highlights including Ion Fury, Dusk, and Prodeus. But, for me at least, few have nailed it quite like Fashion Police Squad.


Wonder Boy Anniversary Collection Nintendo Switch Review 8/10 "A Wonderful collection of Wonder Boy Titles" πŸ›ΉπŸŒ΄@BrittRecluseuk

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The Wonder Boy series of games is something that I’ve enjoyed since a friend introduced me to them back in the late ‘80s.

Whilst the action/RPG  entries are what really stick with me, it’s quite astonishing how well the original game holds up as a high-score arcade classic; not to mention the co-op goodness of Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair. 

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