Showing posts with label Boxing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boxing. Show all posts

25 Oct 2019

🥊 Muhammad Ali Heavyweight Boxing The greatest - 1992 - Episode 8: 15 Rounds With Mike Tyson! 🥊 #RetroGaming #SEGA

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Muhammad Ali Heavyweight Boxing on the SEGA Genesis features Muhammad Ali and nine fictional heavyweight boxers.

Watch as I slug it out with Bruno Franko toe to toe!

6 Jun 2018

🥊 Review: Punch Club "Comes out swinging but struggles in the last rounds" 🥊 #IndieGame #GameDev

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Game Title: Punch Club
Developer: Lazy Bear Games
Platform Reviewed: Nintendo Switch
Rating: Melting
As I played Punch Club, the game that came to mind was World Championship Boxing Manager, a personal classic that I loved back on the Amiga 500.
Whilst the games differ in many ways, the essentials of building skills up to rise through the rankings remain the same and it’s a genre that is quite thin on the ground, more so with an injection of humour.  
After a strong start and an interesting setup, Punch Club stumbles more and more the longer it is played and eventually the heavy grinding and micro-managing wore me down.

22 Jun 2017

Boxing Video Games - The Forgotten Genre 🥊

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Boxing Video Games - The Forgotten Genre

There was a time when the Boxing video game was a mainstay sub-genre of the video game industry.

There always seemed to be a tie in with a famous boxer on any console worth its salt.
There were also some really cool arcade games that tried to replicate the noble art of pugilism.
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