Showing posts with label Fallout New Vegas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fallout New Vegas. Show all posts


☆ What's On Your Fallout 4 Wishlist? ☆ @Fallout #GamersUnite #Fallout4 #Fallout

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As Fallout fans wait with baited breath for some kind of a Fallout 4 announcement, it has gotten me thinking about what I would like to see included within the next fallout installment……

The Fallout world is massive and you can imagine any introduction of a new mechanic in the game must be an arduous undertaking.

But putting all that to one side, what would be on my Fallout 4 Wishlist?

Read On To Find Out More….


☆Fallout New Vegas - Game Diary 7 "Sights Of The Mojave"☆ @Bethblog #GamersUnite #Fallout

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Now my stint in New Vegas is over it's time to reflect back on the Top 5 Sights & Sounds from the Wasteland of Fallout New Vegas….


☆Fallout New Vegas - Game Diary 6 "This Is The End My Friend?!"☆ @Bethblog #GamersUnite

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games freezer, Fallout New Vegas

Fallout games are all about the journey rather than the destination......

I have been exploring the Mojave Wasteland for the last 3 months and it has been so much fun....



☆Fallout New Vegas - Game Diary 5 "The Wasteland Is A Lonely Place"☆ #GamersUnite

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Throughout the Fallout series you are given the option to bring along a companion for the ride and I am a great fan of companions as the Wasteland can be a very lonely place for the courier…


The companionship afforded by these select band of Wasteland heroes 

(& villains) is extremely valuable to the player in combat and funnily enough the additional person to share the load with means you form a lasting relationship with this person (if that’s possible).


It's an odd occurrence really as you begin to start really caring about these sharers of your experience, especially after you assist them with their very own side quest which invariably gives you some backstory on how they have managed to end up in the wasteland.


★Fallout New Vegas - Game Diary 4 "Weapon Of Choice"★ #GamersUnite

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Whilst marauding the Mojave Wasteland you get the opportunity to trial many superb weapons.

There are bog standard weapons like the .357 Magnum or the 9mm Pistol.

Then there's the slightly more advanced weapons like the Laser Pistol or the  10mm Machine Gun.

Not forgetting the fact that there's a whole plethora of melee weapons to utilise such as the humble baseball bat through to the Super Sledge and other quirky ,specially named melee weapons such as

Fist Of Rawr & Golden Gloves

After that you get the rarer versions of your standard weapon set which come affectionate names such as Annabelle and Lucky

Then there's the awe inspiring super destructive weapons such as the Missile Launcher or The Fat Man!

Over the course of the walkabout in Mojave you get attached to particular weapons.

Here's The Top 5 Weapons Of Choice that we make sure our hero, Dana, doesn't leave the vault without.......


☆Fallout New Vegas - Game Diary 3 - "Are You A Lock Picker OR A Computer Hacker?" ☆ #GamersUnite

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Games Freezer, Fallout New Vegas

In Fallout the Lockpick and Computer Hacking skills are art-forms…


Lockpick requires a steady hand as you tease the Bobby Pin inside the lock and try and find the right sweet spot to get the lock to open.


The harder the lock the tougher the sweetspot is to find which will get you entry into the forbidden area.


Computer Hacking on the other hand is a test of logic and problem solving as you scan the words and characters for a clue to the terminal password.


Within the jumbled characters and words there are a number of brackets which ,when in the right order and selected, will take away a 'Dud' password or even replenish your guess allowance.


With the guess allowance set at 4 the Computer Hacking is tough nut to crack as you search for that elusive pword and a <> or a ( )


Once you have cracked the code you then get to view the forbidden information that was being concealed away or even sometimes that terminal will give you access to a particular door that you may not otherwise be able to open.


☆Fallout New Vegas - Game Diary 2 - "An Ode To The Cazadore" ☆ @CkGarb #GamersUnite

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Fallout New Vegas, Video Games

With the Fallout series the game's central story is almost surplus to requirements when playing this marvellous, involving, all consuming RPG.


I tend to set out with the best intentions of taking another step forward with the unveiling of the storyline and yet I will more often than not get distracted by a battle or a side quest that will take me in totally the opposite direction.


The thing is, that is the beauty of an open world to explore to your hearts content…..

The creators of the Fallout New Vegas have created a landscape that is begging to be explored.

It's vast and it's open, so vast and open that sometimes you can walk for minutes without encountering anything!

In that scenario it makes your next encounter with someone or something even more memorable.

You also find yourself feeling glad to locate a moving white marker on your in game compass as you realise it's a friend rather than a red enemy marker.

It's these stumbled upon moments in the game that make it so worthwhile to play.


☆"Fallout New Vegas" - Game Diary 1☆ #GamersUnite

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2 years after finishing Fallout 3 I decided it was time to be consumed by the post apocalyptic wasteland again.


Fallout New Vegas was my experience of choice this time and this time I've decided to trial the documenting of my Mojave Wasteland journey.


This could make for good video games journalism or it might just end up being tedious.......but I'll give it a go because I'm sure that buried within the Wasteland is a Story to tell.........

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