Showing posts with label Final Fight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Final Fight. Show all posts

18 Mar 2019

๐Ÿ•น️ Britt's Amusement Arcade Memories Amidst A Flooded Flat - Video Games Memories ๐Ÿ•น️ #RetroGaming #Arcade

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There is an undeniable connection for a lot of people to some form of gaming, no matter how distant or seemingly inconsequential.
A moment that I found really funny (in hindsight) was a few years ago in my old flat, my girlfriend woke me up at three in the morning because the bathroom ceiling was gushing with water (pinch me) and so I pegged it upstairs to wake up my upstairs neighbour (a guy in his thirties) who immediately ran down to my flat to see the damage. We headed into my living room to grab a load of towels to stem the flow, all in a complete frenzy due to the level of water coming through.
Amidst all of this, as we were running back to the bathroom, he stopped and pointed at something on display in our living room and said, “Is that Scramble? Wow, I had that when I was a kid, haven’t seen it in years!”.
Naturally, I walked over to him and filled him in on the finer points of our gaming collection until my girlfriend walked in and said, incredulously. “Umm….can you talk about games after we’ve stopped our bathroom flooding?”
Obviously, I split up with her on the spot.

12 Jun 2013

☆ "My Top 5 Most Quoteable Retro Arcade Games" ☆

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The arcade games from the past that tend to stick in the minds of all of us at Games Freezer* are the quoteable ones.

Its not unusual to hear "Power Up!" or "Haduken!" ring round the Games Freezer office as we go about our daily gaming business!

It got us thinking about the best example of the most quoteable games over the years.
We had a think and compiled some of the coolest Quoteable retro Arcade games that we still quote to this day.
So without further ado cast your eyes over our Top 5 and "Get Over Here!" 

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