Showing posts with label Game Of The Year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Game Of The Year. Show all posts

26 Jan 2025

Rich's Video Games of the Year | "2024 was a year that surprised me month by month" 🗓️🎮 #GOTY

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2024 was a year that surprised me month by month with some awesome Indie releases, some stellar AAA stuff and an old master that I finally got to grips with.

Sitting down to compile my GOTY list has been a pleasure and today I'd love to share it with you to see if there’s any gems in here (alongside a classic) that I can tempt you to try.

Dragon's Dogma 2 - The Organised Chaos RPG Award 🏆
I’d never played the original game and the premise of DD2 had me licking my lips in anticipation for an enormous RPG to get stuck into on my newly purchased PS5. DD2 did not disappoint. Every crevice I explored seemed to unveil something new for me to discover, whether that was a new enemy, a chest, a cave or an interesting building. I’ve piled lots of hours into this game and I'm yet to complete it. I’m determined to revisit and complete it in 2025 as I attempt to uncover the regions of the map

Tetris Forever - The Legend Of Henk & Alexey Award 
I was drawn to this Digital Eclipse Gold Master release due to the fact that TETRIS is truly one of purest video games ever conceived and I was really interested to look at all the different releases across the years. When I began to dig into this TETRIS opus I was blown away by the story of Henk Rogers and Alexey Pajitnov and the interactive documentary became a must read/listen/watch page turner of a ‘game’. I love this series and I love TETRIS forever.

Drova Forsaken Kin - The Cilla Black Surprise Award 
This game completely blind sided me and turned out to be one of the best video games of 2024. It’s an RPG that is steeped in a love for the genre and has that retro feel to it that takes you back to the classic RPGs where you are discovering a world and an IP for the first time. It’s a marvel of a video game made by a small team and I implore everyone to play this game today.

Indiana Jones - The Late In the Day Award 
Indy films are my jam. I grew up watching them and punctuated my youth with visits to the cinema to watch them as soon as they were released. As the years have worn on I've lost the passion for the films since Crystal Skull and as far as Indiana Jones video games go, I'd settled for the fact that Uncharted was going to be the best effort since the beautiful Lucas Arts point and clicks. I therefore watched from afar as Machine Games prepared the Indiana Jones And The Great Circle video game but I was never really hyped by anything I'd seen pre release. I managed to get my hands on a copy upon release to check out what the latest offering would be like and WOW, just WOW! The game oozes class, the performances in the game are awesome. The puzzles are pitch perfect, the combat is so ‘Indy’ that I am relieved they didn’t just create a first person shooter/murder machine of a game. The game and the environments just feel alive and the locations are big enough to get lost in but never outstay their welcome. It only came out in early December but my word it grabbed the hat from underneath the falling stone door to give us the real next Indiana Jones movie!

GTAIV - The Best Game Of 2008 In 2024 Award 
Somehow I had only managed to play up until GTAIII up until late 2024. The announcement of GTAVI had really peaked my interest in the franchise again and I picked up GTAIV on a Steam Sale price of about five pounds. I dropped it onto my Steam Deck and I was transported back to 2008 and was really surprised at how well it held up in 2024. The story swept me up into the world of Niko Bellic and I found myself becoming a resident of Resident Of Liberty City and getting caught up in all of its politics and personalities.

Stalker 2 - The Great Allure Of Radioactive Jank Award 
The Stalker series passed me by in 2007, 2008 and 2009 as it was a PC game at a time when I was never a PC gamer. Looking back at the series now, it would have been right up on my list if I'd have been a PC gamer at the time. Then I got swept up in the Stalker 2 pre release story and I knew that I just had to play Stalker 2. Despite a really rough launch, I could see this game was special and as the devs resolve the issues the game gets better and better with it's depiction of life in The Zone.
Tiny Terrys Turbo Trip - The Keep Me Busy Award 
For a game that's around 4 hours long this kept me busy doing fun stuff in this open world platformer that has an awesome art style and a music sense that compliments the game perfectly. It's the perfect example of an indie game that benefits from not over stretching itself and making sure that what it does, it does it well. Go make friends with Tiny Terry and i promise you won't regret it!

Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom - The Simple Pleasures Award 
Hand crafted retro worlds are brought to life in this cool PS1 era style platformer that sees you trying to navigate the worlds without a jump button! It's a playground of video game fun that is a pleasure to pick up and play. Be warned though, it gets HARD and also at around 6 hours it does feel a little too long. 

Astrobot - The Pure Joy Award 
If I was forced to pick one game from this list that had to take all the glory it would be Astrobot. It has everything I could ever want from a platformer and is probably the best example of one since the release of Super Mario Odyssey. The music is a delight, the platforming is on point, the various mechanics that are introduced through power up bring a smile to your face, the bots you rescue are now my family as I care for them back at the crash site like they were my own, the game is almost perfect. This is the game I would buy a PS5 for if I didn't already own a PS5 and I seriously can't wait for Team Asobi's next game on the PS5/PS6! Bravo Bravo Astro!

Ye Olde Honourable Mentions...

Indika - The Best Nun Sim Award 💙
You are a nun, you do nun things, go on a journey with the devil and see what happens...

Children of the Sun - The Psychadelic Bullet Cult Award
You are a sniper, you do sniper things, you control the bullets that you fire in bullet time, you are angry, you want to destroy a cult, go get a position on that hill and see what happens...

7 Jan 2025

Britt's Video Games of the Year 2024 "Favourites from 2024 and some rediscovered titles from years prior" 🗓️🎮 #GOTY

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Britt's Video Games of the Year 2024
I feel like 2024 has been quite a personally interesting year when it comes to gaming. As my son is now almost four, I’m able to play games with him – sometimes co-op but mostly sharing a controller and helping each other out (he genuinely solved a puzzle that I was stuck on in Dungeons of Hinterberg), and whilst I’ve tried to introduce him to as many - suitable – games as possible, it’s been fun seeing which games catch his attention, so some of those I’ll be mentioning below.

Whilst I’ll be highlighting favourites from 2024, there’ll also be some rediscovered titles from years prior.

23 Dec 2024

Transvaal's Top 5 Games of the Year 2024 "Games so good that they dragged my butt back into gaming" 🗓️🎮 #GOTY

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2024 has personally been a weird year for me when it comes to gaming, I’ve gamed steadily from the age of 3 years old and for 30 years it has been one of my main hobbies...until this year, when I started with a real lack of motivation to game that even now still lingers.

It’s a weirdly odd feeling, to lose something you’ve always enjoyed.

Luckily for me, I’m not just fighting my mind, my body has jumped in and for the last two months I have developed a problem in my hands that makes even holding a controller painful…

So these 5 games aren't just my games of the year, they are games so good that they dragged my butt back into gaming.

4 Jan 2024

Transvaal’s 2023 Games Of The Year List 📅🏅 #GOTY #goty2023

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The legend of Games Freezer that is Transvaal gets to grips with a list of 5 wonderful video games that crossed his path in 2023. 

Our man loves himself some JRPG shenanigans topped off with some mainstream and indie horror scares...

2 Jan 2023

GOTY 2022 - Rich "The year Of The Ring" AKA "100+ Hours In and I'm Still Sh*t!" 💍 #GOTY

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2022 was a year dominated by me wandering around a desolate abandoned landscape with a Steam Deck in my hand.

Elden Ring was the game that took up over 140 hours of my 2022 and I would be lying if I said that I loved every minute of it as the early parts of being a Tarnished are completely terrifying and incredibly difficult. There are many moments when you think  'is this game really worth the effort?!" 

I can now conclude that yes it is worth the effort and yes I am still sh1t at the game.

20 Dec 2022

Britt Removes His Trousers & Brings Down The Flaming Gavel On 2022 🏆 #GOTY

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As we approach the end of another year, rich with the fruits of developer labours, I sat in my zen garden and thought about which games from 2022 still have a strong presence in my mind - for whatever reason – and the below made themselves known to me.

Presented in no particular order, my most memorable experiences of 2022 are…

19 Dec 2022

The 6 Best Games That I’ve played in 2022 By Transvaal 🏆 #GOTY

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#6 Primordia

Starting off with a game that I still think about often, I really found the world of Primordia an interesting one, a world of machinery with only the remnants of human life, the world is decaying and has very little life left in it. The story is a very simple one, with protagonist Horatio trying to get his stolen power core back, it’s a story that does spiral outwards, and has some very interesting twists and turns. The one criticism I’ve seen a levelled at Primordia is the character Crispin being irritating for some, but I personally found his back-and-forth with Horatio one of the best bits in the game.

18 Dec 2022

2022 in review or The Toilet at the End of the World by Dr Congo Fighting 📆 #GOTY

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I have been offered a "loving nudge" to write something about my favourite games of this year. I don't know what that is, but I'm keen to find out.

So here it is - my favourite video game "stuff" of the last year. 

29 Dec 2021

🏆 🎮 Games Freezer - Games Of the Year - Part IV - "Rich" 🎮 #GOTY21 #GOTY2021 #GameOfTheYear2021

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Oh, my word I have played a LOT of video games this year and it has been an absolute pleasure to bring you my thoughts via the juggernaut that is Games Freezer.

I have worked with Britt and the gang tirelessly in 2021 to make Games Freezer a place that you can all call home as we attempt to deliver you great video games stuff directly from our frozen cavern of video gaming goodness into your noggins for consumption.

My love for everyone involved is strong and it's this time of year when we get to reflect on exactly what happened in the preceding 365 days. I love how many moments you get that are like "Oh my word I remember that game! I forgot how great it was!"

When it comes to end of year lists and Game Of the Year contenders I always use those lists as a method to pick out the games that I have maybe missed from that year so as I can pick them up in the following year.

With that in mind, I decided that I would pull together initially a TOP 10 List of the games that I have loved in 2021 and then give you an even longer list of the games that deserve their moment in the limelight.

So here goes nothing as I give you my top ten video games of 2021 according to how much I loved playing them.

28 Dec 2021

🏆 🎮 Games Freezer - Games Of the Year - Part III - "@PixelHunted" 🎮 #GOTY21 #GOTY2021 #GameOfTheYear2021

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Pixel Hunted steps up to the plate to fire off 3 amazing games from his 2021...

22 Dec 2021

🏆 🎮 Games Freezer - Games Of the Year - Part II - "Britt" 🎮 #GOTY21 #GOTY2021 #GameOfTheYear2021

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Britt’s Games (and other things) of The Year

Much love to all the GF readers and my colleagues, all of whom have been awesome, as always.

The biggest hug, however, goes to Rich, the evil puppeteer that keeps all of our strings from getting tangled, as he laughs maniacally down at the twisted landscape that he has created in his own icy image.

I’m taking a slightly different approach to my games of the year this time around, throwing in a few mentions for things that aren’t strictly ‘games’ as such, but nonetheless were highlights of 2021 for me.

Whilst the list is in no particular order, it’s fair to say that if it were ‘best to worst – at the top would still be:

18 Dec 2021

🎮 Games Freezer - Games Of the Year - Part I - "Transvaal" 🎮 #GOTY21 #GOTY2021 #GameOfTheYear2021

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Here we go it's Games Freezer Game Of The Year Time and first up with his GOTY List is Transvaal!

Behold his flaming pen of truth!

22 Dec 2020

🏆 Rich's Games Of The Year (& Honourable Mentions) 2020 🏆 #IndieGames #GameDev #GamersUnite

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Looking back at another year of video games and another year of Games Freezer is actually quite emotional when I sit here and try to unpack exactly what has happened.

This year I can safely say that I have played more video games than I have ever played in one single calendar year.

The world caught fire and yet video games were my rock and Games Freezer was my constant.

Britt remains a games playing machine of which I have never known the likes of.

It's important to remember that Britt and I both create content for Games Freezer as a hobby and yet here we are in our 7th year still going strong and with visions of further expanding what we do.

This year alone Britt and I have contributed to over 300 pieces of content on the site and have been supported by our regular irregular contributors in the guise of our friends PixelHunted, Lee Manuel, Dr Congo Fighting, Kingdom Of Carts along with many other lovely people who just love to play and write about video games.

We look forward to another year of Games Freezer as we become a truly respected member of the video games industry and keep on punching above our weight.

GF Forever...

Meanwhile back in GF HQ, I have pulled together 10 Video Games in no particular order that pretty much sums up my video gaming year. 

Hopefully, there's some in here that you haven't played so as you can go and check them out for yourself.

18 Dec 2020

🏆 Britt’s Games of the Year (& Honourable Mentions) 2020 🏆 #IndieGames #GameDev #GamersUnite

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This year has been a bit of a different one for me in that some titles that really drew me in were quite flawed and so playing through them was occasionally a bittersweet experience but they made a mark that I can’t ignore.

This isn’t a ‘top ten’ list in any order but rather a list of games that still spring to mind as we approach the end of a pretty challenging and tumultuous year.

Weather-wise, it’s a miserable day here in Cardiff so to brighten things up, let’s talk video games.

31 Dec 2019

🏆🎮 Rich's Game Of the Year 2019 "Rich's Raucous Roundup Of Gaming Greatness" 🏆🎮 #GameDev #Indie Games

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Rich's Game Of The Year List 2019
As we enter the twilight of another year on this earth my thoughts drift towards Christmas holidays, time off work and attempting to write a Game Of The Year list for Games Freezer.

19 Dec 2019

🏆🗓️ Britt’s Game Of The Year 2019 (& Most Disappointing) 🏆🗓️ #GOTY2019

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Britt’s Games of the Year
2019 has been another great year in my gaming career, with a lot of quality titles released. Aside from some real indie classics (my true love), there were also some larger budget titles that caught my eye that I’m happy to include here as games that stuck in my head for 2019… and also a couple that stayed with me for reasons that *ahem* aren’t ideal.

3 Jan 2019

🏆 Rich's Games Of The Year 2018 🏆

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2018 was a time of plentiful video games. I almost drowned in games in 2018 but I didn’t even get close to playing all the games I wanted to.

For me, it was a year that I was totally devoted to my beautiful Nintendo Switch with my PS4 getting a look in more towards the end of 2018.

The first quarter of 2018 was taken up with me playing through two of the greatest video games ever produced!

26 Dec 2018

🎮 Britt Roberts – Games of the Year 2018 🎮 #IndieGames #GameDev

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It’s that time again when I look back and reflect on the games I’ve played throughout the last year and mention a few that have stood out for better…or for worse.

26 Dec 2017

☆ The Games Freezer Ice Cool Awards 2017 ☆ #GameDev #IndieGames

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The Votes Have Been Cast & The Results Are In!

The Inaugural Games Freezer Ice Cool Video Games Awards Of The Year Event is HERE!

We have 5 categories of award which have a varied range of winners to announce, from Indie to AAA game winners.

12 Dec 2017

☆ Here's 5 Awesome Video Games To Look For In 2018 ☆ #GamersUnite

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So as we prepare to say a video games goodbye to 2017 it’s naturally time to look forward to 2018 and the video games that are going to be coming our way.

2017 has been considered one of the finest years in video games history with the release of the Nintendo Switch garnering us with two of the best games of recent history. Alongside that we had an Indie Gaming year of exceptional quality with some amazing games landing in the Games freezer!

So what’s coming our way next year in 2018?

Let’s dig into the deep freeze and see what potential treats we have in store for 2018…
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