Showing posts with label Kill It With Fire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kill It With Fire. Show all posts

21 Mar 2024

Kill It With Fire 2 DEMO PC Gameplay 🔥🕷 @KIWF_Game #IndieGame #GameDev

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Rich dons his spider eliminator boots in Kill It With Fire 2 and struggles with opening drawers for a good minute. Arachnophobia. The Game. The Sequel. Take on the arachnid menace alone or with friends in full campaign co-op. Wage the arachnid war across time and space and exterminate every last spider across the multiverse, or jump into Spider Hunt PvP and play as the eight-legged menace for the first time! 🔥🕷

19 May 2023

Kill It With Fire VR Review 7/10 "Lots and Lots Of SPIDERS!!!" 🕷️🔥 @KIWF_Game #IndieGames #GameDev

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Still here? Well, they make some people run a mile so now they've all gone, let's talk about Kill It With Fire. Because this game features spiders. Lots and lots of spiders. 

Waaay back in the beforetime (1990), there was a movie called Arachnophobia, which also featured lots of spiders. If you haven't seen it, watch it, it's great. Anyway, the reason that comes to mind is one particular scene in which Jeff Daniels makes a flamethrower from a lighter and an aerosol can. This prompted a spate of arson-lite events at my school which resulted in a lot of kids nearly blowing their hands off with cans of Lynx Africa (which, by the way, smells even worse when it's lit), and general flame-based mayhem. 

Some 30-odd years later and Kill It With Fire comes to VR, giving you the opportunity to relive the excitement of the homemade flamethrower, but with none of the danger. 

But that isn't all. 

6 Mar 2021

🕷️🕸️ Kill It With Fire | Review | Nintendo Switch | 8/10 | "You are a pest exterminator, albeit one that has scant regard for the property of others." 🕷️🕸️ @caseydonnellan #GameDev #IndieGames

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If like me, you struggle with arachnids then Kill It With Fire will be an experience that has you running the emotional gamut from twisted, sadistic pleasures to creeping fear and tension.
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