Showing posts with label Spectrum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spectrum. Show all posts

21 Mar 2019

๐Ÿ•น️ Crash and Sinclair User Magazines Tapes & Posters eBay Unboxing ๐Ÿ•น️ #Retrogaming #ZXSpectrum

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๐Ÿ•น️๐Ÿ“ฆ๐Ÿ“ผ "I got my hands on an eBay lot of Crash and Sinclair User Magazine Ads, Tips Pages and Cover Tapes so I thought I'd unbox them just for you and go through what I've got, enjoy!" ๐Ÿ•น️๐Ÿ“ฆ๐Ÿ“ผ

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29 May 2018

๐Ÿณ The Drisk Talks Ant Attack, Outrun and Triple Fried Egg Chilli Chutney Sandwiches - Video Games Memories ๐Ÿณ @TheDrisk

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It's my pleasure to have The Drisk in the Games Freezer for Video Games Memories.

The Drisk is an encyclopedia of all video games knowledge and someone I have enjoyed listening to for the last 3 years.

I first became aware of The Drisk when I began listening to the Retro Asylum podcast as The Drisk was a regular on the show at the time.

Now let's delve a bit deeper into the Video Games Nostalgia gland of the almighty Drisk!

29 Sept 2017

☆ The Retro Console Boom Of 2017 ☆ #Retrogaming

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It’s an exciting time to be a gamer and if you have an appreciation for retro gaming then it’s like all your Christmases have come at once with all the retro gaming projects that are going on right now.

22 May 2017

☆ Say Hello To Mr Atari Himself, LORD ARSE! - Video Games Memories ☆ #Retrogaming @Lord_Arse

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Lord Arse is an international video games man of mystery and a retro gaming nut!

His Twitter account has over 100,000 Followers and he posts passionately on a daily basis all things Retro Gaming.

I've followed Mr Arse for a while now and I decided it was time to get to know the man underneath the Atari cap.

Here are some hard-hitting journalistic questions that I put to Lord Arse last week......enjoy some of Lord Arse's Video Games Memories!

8 May 2017

☆ The Spectrum Next Is Giving Me Thrills And They Are Multiplying ☆ #Retrogaming

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Video Games related Kickstarters are a plenty on Kickstarter but every now and again there’s a Kickstarter that pops its head above the parapet and demands to be taken notice of!

The Spectrum Next is one such Kickstarter that deserves your longing looks as it essentially is the next in the line of ZX Spectrum hardware.

It could have been called the ZX Spectrum +4 as it aims to stay true to the Spectrum lineage.

So what is this all about?
Let’s find out, shall we….?

18 Jan 2017

☆ What Was YOUR First Video Gaming Love? Mine Was A Disk Box!! ☆ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

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I Recently Made A Guest Appearance Over At Where I Was Asked To Write An Article Detailing My Love Of Video Games And Where It All Stems From.....

After Much Thought, This Is My Article Which Is Now Published Over At The Awesome Arcade Attack....

22 Aug 2015

☆ Spectrum Addict The Movie ☆ @AndyRemic #retrogaming #gamersunite #kickstarter

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I've just finished watching the trailer for the Kickstarter "Spectrum Addict - The Movie" and I've fallen head over heels for this cool sounding retrogaming project!

29 Jul 2015

☆ The Second Coming ☆ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

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As I was making my way into work this morning I was just thinking how I hadn't heard too much of an update on the recreated Spectrum in a while and then lo and behold an update drops into the Games Freezer mail basket!

2 Mar 2015

☆ A 21st Century Retrogaming ZX Spectrum ☆ #retrogaming #gamersunite

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Well this got my retrogaming excitement levels raging today.....

The Sinclair ZX Spectrum is going to get another reincarnation!

"The ONLY full-size recreation of the 1980s personal computer - The Sinclair ZX Spectrum"

18 Nov 2014

☆ My Retrogaming Video Games Bucket List ☆ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

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Amstrad CPC, Games Freezer, Retrogaming

Retrogaming for me only occurs on carefully planned days of the week. It means that sometimes I will only get a one or two hour slot to play with and in that time I need to utilise my time efficiently as i may only get one chance a week to play computer games.
With this in mind I have created a Retrogaming Computer Games Bucket List.
This list is intended to highlight 2 must play games on the various consoles or computers that I am yet to play.
My intention is to work my way through this list before I kick the bucket!!

5 Nov 2014

☆ 5 Retrogaming Moments That Shaped My Video Games World ☆

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games freezer, video games, gamers, retrogaming, retro gamer, computer games

When I think back to when I was young gamer there were 5 distinct experiences with 5 different machines that laid the foundation for my eternal love of Video Games.
It was these exposures to these legendary systems which meant that I am still a gamer today.

30 Aug 2014

☆ Games Freezer's 5 Most Iconic Video Games System Designs Of All Time ☆ #Retrogaming

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Of course, over the years there have been a vast number of Video Games Computers & Consoles.

There have been so many games and machines that we fondly remember.

We have decided to give our opinion on what we think are the 5 most iconic video games computer and console designs from the dawn of home video games systems back in the late 1970's…..

Take a look for your favourite in our iconic Video Games Computers & Consoles list…..

11 Jan 2014

★Top Kickstarter Campaigns January 2014★ @JascoGames @Elite_Systems @NKouza @#Kickstarter #GamersUnite

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Mega Man, Kickstarter, RetroGaming

It Was About Time That We had a Good Old Trawl Through The Coolest Video Game Related Kickstarter Campaigns Around To See What We Could Share With You All....

As we were browsing mountains of great video games stuff this beauty caught our eye!


Check Out What It's All About, Taken Straight From The Horses Mouth:

"In the year 20XX, Jasco Games created Mega Man™ the Board Game. 

Destined to grace tabletops everywhere, the board game takes the classic formula that made the original Blue Bomber so memorable and transfers it to a whole new arena. 

This officially licensed board game brings gamers and board game enthusiasts everything they love about Mega Man: iconic robot masters, sinister villains, incredible power ups, and polished game play. 

Created by fans of Mega Man and the publisher of the Universal Fighting System CCG, the board game is Jasco Games’ love letter to one of the best video game characters of all time. 

We have launched this Kickstarter for two reasons. 

First, and most importantly, we’re seeking funding to make this the board game we always wanted to make. Kickstarter funding will allow us to use better materials, offer more extras like miniatures, cards, extra boards, and polish the finalized product, giving fans an even better experience and something that will be worthy of any Mega Man enthusiast’s collection. 

Second, we wanted fans to have a chance to show their support for Mega Man and be involved in this exciting process."



KickStarter, ZX Spectrum, Retrogaming

Next Up Is This Bad Boy!

The King Of The 80's Is BACK!!

Yes The Legend That Is The SINCLAIR ZX SPECTRUM Is Being RE MADE!

Check Out The Kickstarter HERE

For a taste of what Elite are trying to achieve, read below:

1. Elite® Announce Recreation of Sinclair® ZX Spectrum®

"Recently, you may have seen or heard mention of plans for the recreation of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum. The Sinclair ZX Spectrum is an 8-bit personal home computer released in the UK in 1982 by Sinclair Research Ltd. Since launch, some 10,000 games have been created for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum. Production of the device ceased in 1990, by which time more than 5 million units had been sold worldwide, primarily in the UK and Spain and also in significant numbers elsewhere."

2. Announcing The Bluetooth® ZX Spectrum®

"Well we’re pleased to be able to tell you something more about those plans (and what you can do to help us get it in to production by the Spring of 2014)."
"The recreated Sinclair ZX Spectrum will be a Bluetooth keyboard, initially for iOS and subsequently for Android and Windows phones and tablets (as well as for PCs and Macs), in the form-factor of a 48K Sinclair ZX Spectrum. It will be known as the Bluetooth ZX Spectrum. ZX Spectrum is a licensed trade mark. The Bluetooth ZX Spectrum will connect wirelessly to, for example, an iPad and in turn to a TV via Apple Airplay.”

 We Love This Kickstarter LOTS So Support The Kickstarter HERE!


Last But Definitely Not Least Is This Beautifully Created Zelda-esque Indie RPG Framed Wings

Take a good look at the Kickstarter Video to this lovely looking game in action.

Read Why This Game Dev Needs KickStarter Assistance Below.......

"Framed Wings is an independently made fantasy RPG with elements close to those of Zelda games. The game shall be packed with quests, dungeons, intense boss battles, and much more. Framed Wings is being developed using the RPG Maker XP engine. At the moment I am quite early into development and have run into many issues, which is why I've turned to Kickstarter for support.

In order to make this game the best it can be, I need money. My equipment at present is lacking and it's holding up the development of the game. The computer I'm using is very old and, as of late, crashes whenever it feels like it. I don't currently have a job, meaning I lack the income to replace the computer. I've already had hours of game development lost thanks to the computer suddenly dying."

Make A Difference In The Gaming World By Backing Framed Wings HERE


Hopefully That Little Lot has Whetted Your Appetite For Cool KickStarter Campaigns.

We'll be doing some more trawling on your behalf and will report back SOON!

Until Then Stay Classy My Friendly Freezer Fans!

Games Freezer, RetroGaming


15 Aug 2013

☆"Speccy Nation" - @WordPlay4Games☆ #RetroGaming

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Here's a book for those who L♡VE learning about the history of gaming and home computers like we do.


Games writer Dan Whitehead has published a C☆☆L book called Speccy Nation: A Tribute to the Golden Age of British Gaming. 

It covers the beautiful and almighty  ZX Spectrum home computer. 

Dan Whitehead takes a good look at 50 of the best and obscure ZX Spectrum games that contributed to the DNA of 'The Speccy' through the golden age of UK home gaming and bedroom coders.

The Speccy ended up with a software library of over 24,000 titles!
The Speccy was ahead of its time with a wide range of software that included programming tools, word processors, spreadsheet programs, drawing and art programs, It was the workhorse all rounder personal computer of its time.
Such is the love of the Speccy to this day, the creation of new Spectrum titles by devoted fans continues!
The game devs of the Speccy era are the stars of their day who worked with resources that were extremely limited by modern game devs standards. 
The first Speccy released in 1982 were available in two models, one with 16 Kilobytes of RAM!!
Then came the next advanced model which meant you had access to an eye watering 48 kB of RAM!!
If you want to see how the Speccy changed the face of home computers for a nation and a generation then we suggest you grab a copy pronto.

Let us know how you got on with Speccy Nation, was it a good read?

We'd Love to know your fave Gaming or Computing related reads so as we can feature your faves in future Games Freezer articles!

Richard - Reporting From The GamesFreezer Library

8 Jul 2013

☆ "Everyone Had A Spectrum Except Me!" ☆

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My Dream Machine


Growing up everyone had a Spectrum or if they were really lucky they owned an Amstrad!

I spent my entire time going round to my friends houses after school to play these machines and really liked the idea of owning my own "Speccy" with a disk drive......surely (at the time) the most advanced piece of kit out there! 

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