Showing posts with label Still Wakes The Deep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Still Wakes The Deep. Show all posts


Still Wakes the Deep XSX Review 9/10 "Possibly the most naturalistic dialogue in a video game" πŸ›’️πŸ—Ό @SWTD_Game @ChineseRoom #IndieGame #GameDev

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Still Wakes the Deep XSX Review
The Chinese Room were the company that introduced me to the walking simulator genre with their minimalistic and glorious 2012 title Dear Esther. This was followed by a firm favourite of our household in Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs. And so, learning that The Chinese Room were making a game set on a Scottish oil rig in the mid-’70s was enough to make my trousers fly off and fold themselves neatly in a drawer, before definitively slamming it shut.
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