Showing posts with label The Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild. Show all posts


Return To The Wild Review (Music from Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild) πŸ’Ώ @RoPanuganti

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Like Breath of the Wild? Like prog rock? If you do, then metal musician Ro Panuganti has an album for you. 

Hailing from Raleigh, South Carolina, USA, Return to the Wild is the second in his series of rearranged Legend of Zelda music, with this album running the gamut from the blues rock of Tarrey Town to the wailing prog of Awaken.


πŸ•Ή️ Britt Interviews: Robbie Collin - "Chief Film Critic At The Telegraph and Commodore 64 Le Mans Player At The Age Of 3" πŸ•Ή️ @robbiereviews #RetroGaming

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Being chief film critic at The Telegraph for almost a decade, Robbie Collin certainly knows his Akira Kurosawa from his Al Cliver but I had no idea that he was also a fan of video games.

In a recent Twitter post, Robbie shared a picture of his children playing Daytona USA at The Heart of Gaming in London ( – good – and I leapt upon the opportunity to learn about a totally different facet of his life.

A facet completely removed from his career of film criticism, a facet in which, instead of looking at a screen, he looks at a screen whilst also moving his thumbs slightly. 


πŸ“– 3 Video Games Inspired Books By Kari Fry That Will Blow Your Mind! πŸ“˜

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I've been poking around the internet as usual and i've found 3 books on the FanGamer website which are going straight on my Fathers Day, Birthday and Christmas list...

I think you are going to love them too!


⚔️ 5 Simple Things That Make Breath Of The Wild Special ⚔️

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The Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild is an amazing video game that many people have written the virtues of on various websites and magazine outlets all over the world.

It’s a game that has won over the older hardcore Zelda generation and won some new Zelda fans in 2017.

I’ve always followed Zelda from afar as I never owned a Nintendo until the Super Nes in 1992 and then I mainly played Mario games and various sports games with mates. 

At the age of 12 I was just never that into playing a solo video game like Zelda.


☆ Link's Lunches - "From The Great Plateau To Your Plate" ☆ #FanArt

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Okay, I admit it. I'm unhealthily obsessed with The Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild and all its beauty and wonder!

The thing that has really got its hooks into me though is the point at which I worked out that I could cook various meals in-game using all the varied ingredients that I had scavenged from the Great Plateau.


☆ A 30 Minute Legend Of Zelda Treat Just For You! ☆

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I've just finished watching 3 ten minute YouTube videos from Nintendo which talk in detail about how The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild was conceived and brought to life.

I was hooked and hung on every word they said and I think you might like these videos too.
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