Showing posts with label steam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label steam. Show all posts


๐Ÿ–ณ๐Ÿ’ฃ Anonymous Game Dev's Story: "Hard Work & Review Bombing" ๐Ÿ’ฃ๐Ÿ–ณ #GameDev #IndieGames

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Dark Blue Monkey talks with an Indie Team about their experience of going through Kickstarter, being a boss, releasing on Steam, and why they’ll never ever do it again.

Our guest today went through the full Indie Dev experience;  working full time, doing a Kickstarter campaign, hiring a developer, and then finally releasing onto Steam.   

While this may seem like the ultimate dream for most of us, unfortunately for the team the experience proved to be far from the utopia we imagine it to be. Just as their project reached fruition,  they fell victim to the now infamous review bombing while the game was still in early release, still at launch price.

Trying to do the right thing, they tried to sidestep the clunkiness of Steam’s forums and help players directly who were having problems by giving them access to Skype and email.  This resulted in mounting numbers of unpleasant messages following them into the real world. For this reason, they’ve chosen to share their experience anonymously.

This is a tale of caution, and hopefully will help any aspiring indie developers to avoid the same pitfalls.


๐Ÿ†⚽️ Legendary Eleven - Ten Minute Taster - "A Large Dose Of Arcade Football!" ⚽️๐Ÿ†

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๐ŸŽฎ " A game of Legendary Eleven will bring a smile to your face and a spring to your step in a world where true arcade football games are few and far between" ๐ŸŽฎ


☆ Review: Where the Water Tastes Like Wine "…and that wine is Versare" ☆ #GameDev #IndieGame

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Game Title: Where the Water Tastes Like Wine
Developer:  Dim Bulb Games
Platform Reviewed: PC (Steam)
Where the Water Tastes Like Wine (WTWTLW) is a story-driven adventure video game set throughout the USA in a shifting timeline of around one hundred years ago.
You play the part of a wandering traveller collecting and passing on people’s tales as you make your way around the fifty states of America in a quest bestowed upon you by a wolf voiced by Gordon Sumner.


☆ Review: Tangledeep - "Beautiful but hard, like Jessica Rabbit with a machine-gun" ☆ #GameDev

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Tangledeep is a rogue-like procedurally-generated dungeon crawler video game from Impact Gameworks and whilst it has fantastic potential, for me in its current state it does fall short of greatness.


☆ A New Prison For A New Year! ☆ @PrisonArchitect @IVSoftware @AverageManvsPi #GameDev

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I've spent the last 10 days playing the marvellous indie game Prison Architect and I just had to write a piece on it from my point of view 

(Immediately, special mention must go to @AverageManvsPi for introducing me to the delights of P.A)

It's currently available on Steam through Early Access and is currently in its Alpha stage.


☆ An Original Video Game We'd Really Love To Play! "Proven Lands" ☆ @btxsqdr #GamersUnite #GameDev #Kickstarter

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Games Freezer, Kickstarter

We came across this cool Kickstarter for the Proven Lands Video Game a while back and have been meaning to write about it for an absolute age!

Now we've come around to put pen to paper it's only gone and been cancelled!!

But interestingly enough the project was actually cancelled with a whopping £23k of funding behind it.....

The only problem was, the goal was a whopping £299k!

The project was cancelled in order to have a rethink of the strategy employed to get this beauty off the ground......

The game is called...... PROVEN LANDS

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