13 Sept 2013

☆Gamesfreezer Website Of The Day☆ @Iam8bit - #GamersUnite #RetroGaming

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Here at ☆Games Freezer☆ we just love websites that celebrate gaming culture and there are none out there in internet land that we adore more than iam8bit.com

Give it a visit and check out some of the C☆☆LEST video game culture content on the web

Our personal favourite of the moment is the 10th Anniversary Ratchet & Clank Print Series which we just had to add to our Pinterest board...

Ratchet & Clank 10th Anniversary
Although one of the craziest highlights has got to be a fully working replica of Luigi's "Poltergust 5000" from Luigi's Mansion we just love it!

Poltergust 5000

Throw in the "Ducktales Remastered" Campaign and the "Tomb Raider Mailer" and you have got yourself one hell of a lot of Super C☆☆L Videogames goodness!

Go on, take our word for it and take a trip to iam8bit.com you are gonna LOVE IT!

☆Richard From The Depths Of The Website Archives☆

12 Sept 2013

☆ "The Top 100 Videogames To Play Before You Die" ☆ #RetroGaming ☆ #GamersUnite ☆

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"The Top 100 Videogames To play Before You Die"  - Did any of these make the 100?


Recently we asked the 'TwitterVerse' what games we need to play before we die......

After compiling countless nominations from all of the

☆Friends Of The Freezer

we have managed to compile the definitive 

Games Freezer☆ list of..........


"The TOP 100 Video Games To Play Before You Die"☆

 We'll be releasing the full list of 100 over the course of 4 Articles on www.GamesFreezer.eu

There's some lesser known titles and there's some classics that make up this list

Remember this list was nominated by all the Twitter Followers of @GamesFreezer and we think it's one of the most diverse Top 100's EVER assembled!

So what are we waiting for??

Lets Kick Off with Part 1 - #100 to #75


100. Banjo Kazooie


99. Banjo Tooie


98. Final Fantasy III


97. Super Mario World


96. Super Mario World 2


95. Chrono Trigger


94. Suikoden


93. Suikoden 2


92. Suikoden Tactics


91. Unirally


90. Dark Cloud


89. Dark Chronicle


88. Silent Bomber


87. Terranigma


86. Alex Kidd In Miracle World


85. Cruise For A Corpse


84. Sensible Soccer 


83. Switchblade


82. Alien Fish Finger


81. Final Fight


80. Road Rash II


79. Sonic The Hedgehog 2


78. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas


77. Uncharted 2 - Among Thieves


76. Red Dead Redemption


75. Daytona 

So that's the First 25 Listed, looks like you've all got some playing to do!

Come back and tell us how you got on

We'll be back soon with the next 25 games to play before you die!


☆Richard Reporting From The Gaming Deep Freeze☆


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