When we started the Games Freezer blog it was to re visit what made us fall in love with video games in the first place.
It was born out of a frustration that we felt that mainstream video games had lost touch with the real reason we play video games.
FUN……..Fun is the reason we play games and the reason we started to play video games back in the day.
As we stared into the abyss of today’s gaming world bleakly we didn't like what we saw……..
We saw games companies so far removed from the pioneers of the early 80's gaming scene that they no longer really knew their audience.
That’s when we decided to create Games Freezer.......
We wanted to create a place away from all the Bull Shit that's out there surrounding Video Games at the moment.
A place where we can share the love of video games past and present that share the same spirit as the video Games pioneers from yesteryear.
We envisage Games Freezer as a place where you can come and see the latest creations from the Indie scene or some really cool game art or maybe learn about a retrogaming classic or what about just geeking out on a time-line of retro consoles?
After Games Freezer was born and we got involved in the video games scene, we quickly found an amazing online community of like minded people who seem to get what we are trying to achieve.
There are some really cool people from all over the world who are into this amazing games scene as much as we are and they live it every day, just like we do.
Whether that be on Twitter, Google + or You Tube there's an amazing set of people that we never knew existed.
Contrary to popular belief they are not the so called FAN BOYS that fill the forums of various websites with vitriol about who's console is better.
The great people we have found are people that just love video games and they have no ulterior agenda or motive, they just love video games and the FUN that they can bring.
They appreciate the work and craftsmanship that went into games that were made on systems that are no longer sold but which still to this day create great excitement and awe.
We also have discovered the brilliant game devs who are still producing games in the spirit of the Video Games Pioneers.
We have much love for these dudes and dudettes who really use their ingenuity on a limited budget to create amazing masterpieces.
At the beginning of this journey we were full of pesimism about the video games world and the gamer community, but almost a year on we now know that these amazing people exist and that video games community is in safe hands….