29 Mar 2018

⚽️ SNES Football Games Were Shite - Episode 1: 90 Minutes European Prime Goal - NAMCO - 1995 ⚽️ #Retrogaming

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๐ŸŽฎ"Over the years of video games playing and owning a Super Nintendo I came to the realisation that the Super Nintendo was shit for Soccer games! They're all rubbish!"๐ŸŽฎ

๐ŸŽฎ"Join me as I trudge through the poo and serve up a steaming slice for you to consume in weekly portions"๐ŸŽฎ

28 Mar 2018

☆ Review: Disc Jam (Nintendo Switch) - "Oversized Pretzel Tossing is Now an International Sport!" ☆ #DiscJam

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Game: Disc Jam
Platform Reviewed: Nintendo Switch

Rating: Melting
I’m a big WindJammers fan after I played the PS4 version last year and got hooked on the awesome array of characters, moves and funky arenas to play in. WindJammers has what I believe to be the most fun competitive action out there along with a great set of added bonuses.

Disc Jam is obviously heavily influenced by the mighty WindJammers and when I began to play Disc Jam on the Switch I was expecting WindJammers Mark 2 but instead, it feels like I got WindJammers 0.75.

Disc Jam was released on PC back in March 2017 and was instantly heralded as the easy to play hard to master spiritual successor to WindJammers. It was the talk of the town for a while and has garnered good reviews but all those reviews have a similar theme as to what I’m about to go through here.
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