4 Dec 2018

💰🎄 4 Ways To Make A Little Extra Christmas Money From Gaming 🎄💰

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The festive season will soon be upon us and most of us are woefully unprepared for the seasonal spend-a-thon that seems to cut deeper and deeper into our carefully managed budgets every year. What’s a gamer to do in the face of such impending expense? 

Put in a few more hours at work? Ugh! Even if you’re lucky enough to have a job in which overtime is readily available, you don’t want to spend any longer in that place than you have to. 

Perhaps a side hustle then? You’re always hearing about how people are making money in the digital realm but how? If only there were some way you could monetize your passion for gaming. 

But wait! There are ways in which you can do exactly that! If you’re hoping to make some extra bank over the festive period, what about…

3 Dec 2018

💥🔫 Review: Dimension Drifter (Early Access) "This is no walking simulator, this is a very fast paced shoot-em-up!" 💥🔫 #GameDev #IndieGames

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Dimension Drifter (Early Access)
Developer: Blue Eagle Productions/Paul Schneider
Platform: PC - Steam
Rating: Melting
Review by: Gareth ‘GazChap’ Griffiths (gazchap@gmail.com)
When the chaps over at Games Freezer asked me to review Dimension Drifter, naturally the first thing that I did was check out the game’s Steam Store page to see what I was letting myself in for.
My first impression, from the basic screenshots on the page, was that this was a game like Unreal Tournament and that I would be rocket jumping around the place gibbing people left, right and centre. I was wrong.
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