
☆ Happy Meal Mario Madness Returns ☆ @McDonaldsCorp #GamersUnite

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A few weeks back I noticed a press release detailing that Mario and the crew would soon be back in the Happy Meals boxes.........I never eat McDonalds BUT when it comes to Mario figures then I had to take one for the team!

I've been excited to see what was on offer for the last few weeks and over the weekend I got the chance to sample some of the Happy Meal delights and this is the Mario loot I uncovered.....


☆ Pang Man Part 15 – Cool Stores: Hamleys (Regent Street) ☆ #GamersUnite

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Pang Man has been on his travels again and this time he has nipped over to Regents Street in London for a trip down to the legendary Toy Shop ...... Hamleys Of London!


☆ Spectrum Addict The Movie ☆ @AndyRemic #retrogaming #gamersunite #kickstarter

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I've just finished watching the trailer for the Kickstarter "Spectrum Addict - The Movie" and I've fallen head over heels for this cool sounding retrogaming project!


☆ My All Time Favourite Ninja Video Games ☆ #Retrogaming #Gamersunite

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Ninjas are cool - FACT
Every little boy growing up in the 80's wanted to be a Ninja - FACT
Ninja Video Games are awesome! - FACT


☆ "A WINNER IS YOU!" ☆ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

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A quote from a video game can stick with you forever.

Some are thought provoking, some are iconic but most are funny!

There's some great websites out there that use video games quotes as their basis such as my friends at classicallytrained.net who utilise video game quotes to teach us valuable life lessons (check the site out when you get a chance, i'll be reviewing Jon Harrison's book soon so watch out for that)

Today I want to share with you some of my favourite video games quotes from down the years.


☆ "This Book Is A Dungeon (This Dungeon Is A Book)" ☆ #GamersUnite @nmeunier

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So i'll confess immediately that i'm a BIG fan of Nathan Meunier.....

Nathan is a cool freelance writer (mainly video games related) who shares his techniques with budding writers like myself.

Of course this is cool in itself.........BUT.........

You just gotta see what Nathan has brought out now.....its mega cool on many levels!


☆ LEGO Arcade Machine Perfection ☆ @BrothersBrick #Retrogaming #Lego #Gamersunite

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Arcade - All machines 

Video Games & Lego are the perfect mix.

Everyone loves Video Games …. Right?

Everyone loves Lego …. FACT!


☆ Down To Margate With All My Retrogaming Family ☆ @ReplayEvents #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

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We've had PLAY Blackpool and now it's almost time for PLAY Margate........

Are YOU Ready For The Video Gaming Time Of YOUR LIFE Player ONE?


☆ The Mystical Four World Warriors ☆ #Retrogaming #Gamersunite #StreetFighterV

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They were the untouchable street fighters........

They had an allure and an aura about them......

They struck fear into a generation of gamers........

They were the greatest world warriors we'd ever seen.........

They were Balrog, Vega, Sagat & M Bison


🧔 My Video Gaming Facial Haired Heroes 🧔 #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

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Facial Hair seems to be everywhere right now. A clean-shaven bloke is now a rarity and it would seem that beards and moustaches are here to stay in the world of mandom.

So in honour of the hirsute man I have compiled a nice list of mainly retrogaming bearded fellows who rock the best beards.

Let's take a walk down Beard Road and stick a left down Moustache alley into the world of fuzzy pixel faces.........


My Modification Nightmare 🎮 #GamersUnite #Nintendo @nintendorepair

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Have You Ever Started Something And Wish You Hadn't?

Well, recently I had that sinking feeling consume me after I started to mod my Nintendo DS Lite with what I thought was a simple piece of DIY.....

A DS Lite case swap......


☆ A Retrogaming Virtual Reality Experience Like No Other "Pixel Ripped 1989" ☆ @pixelripped @Anagamedev @StefKeegan #Retrogaming #GamersUnite #OculusRift

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Well this Kickstarter has got the lot...........
  • Virtual Reality
  • Retrogaming
  • A game within a game 
  • Created by a Pie Maker from Brazil!!
  • Created by Brazil's FIRST VR Developer!

I am...........


☆ Atari The Box Art Oil Paintings ☆ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

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Have you ever wanted to see the classic Atari retro gaming cartridge and box art recreated in beautiful oil paintings?

I'm pretty sure I heard you say YES.....

Good, Read On!


☆ The Atari 800 And Me ☆ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite #Atari

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The retro gaming machine that holds a dear place in my heart has to be the Atari 800 XE/XL.
I've written about this ugly duckling of the computer games world before and how it came into my possession as a second choice to the ZX Spectrum.
I've grown to love this grey beauty and even more so as I look back on the many hours that I spent loading tapes and playing some of the cool games that introduced me to the wonderful world of 8-bit computers.
So the question is, which games do I fondly remember the most on my beloved Atari 800……..let's take a look, shall we?

☆ Come & Get Your Retrogaming Amiibos! ☆ #Retrogaming #Amiibo

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I haven't been one to get involved in the Amiibo scene thus far.

I looked at the figures and thought they were neat but never really fancied collecting them as I don't own a Wii U and kind of think what is the point if I can't use them for what they intended for.

Well.....that view may have just changed!


☆ PIXELS - Playing Cards For Retro Gamers ☆ @weTakeBreath #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

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Cool Playing Cards Always Seem To Prove Popular On Kickstarter And These Ones really Caught My Eye.....

Let me introduce YOU To PIXELS Playing Cards made specifically for Video Games Fans like you and me....


☆ Has There Even Been A Better Time To Be A Retro Gamer? ☆ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

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As I strolled into work in the London sunshine (which is good for the soul) it dawned on me that it's an awesome time to be a retrogaming gamer.
I can't remember any period of time where an appreciation for what has come before in the world of video games has been so strong.


☆ The Toys You Pestered Your Parents For (30 years ago) ☆ #GamersUnite #Retrogaming

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I often take a peek in the local Charity Shops for some retrogaming bargains. Often there is a deluge of Playstation 2 FIFA games and not much else. 

Sometimes there's the odd gem but mainly it's a bit of a let down. The best purchase I have made is a Game Cube for £5 and also I managed to find a Playstation 1 version of Street Fighter Alpha.
Then more recently I took a trip to a Charity Shop near work and was taking a peek at the books section when I came across a book called TV CREAM TOYS………………


☆ Another Games Freezer 10 Links Video Games Roundup... ☆ #GamersUnite #Retrogaming

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Another Busy Week In The Freezer Has Left Me With Loads Of Things To Share With You But With Not Enough Time In The Day To Do So....

So I thought i'd give you all a run down of tehe coolest things I came across on my retrogaming travels this week....

Eyes down for a full house, get your browsers primed for a Games Freezer 10 Links Video Games Roundup!


☆ Behold The Mighty POWER UP! ☆ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

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Over the history of video games there have been many examples of video game characters who collect a particular on screen item and transform into another guise completely or gain a certain attribute that makes the game even more fun.
It got me thinking about the characters over the years who have had the most entertaining and enduring on screen transformations through the use of power ups.
Take a look at my picks and let me know which characters you would add to this list….
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